Been There
Restaurants: SB’s Love Shack (northside location), Ironhorse, Positive Vibe Café, Matt’s Pub
Museums/Galleries: Valentine, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond Art Garage
Coffee Shops: Starbucks, Stir Crazy, Rostov’s
Events: State Fair of Virginia, Strawberry Street Festival, Duck Race on the James, Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival
Farmers Markets: Manakin Market, 17th Street Market, Monument Avenue Farmer’s Market, St. Stephen’s Church Farmers Market
Shopping Centers: Regency, Lakeside, Stony Point
Seniors Centers: Our Lady of Hope Health Center, Covenant Woods, Lucy Corr Village, Ashland Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Acclaim at Carriage Hill, Commonwealth Senior Living, MAHOVA of Richmond
Parks: Petersburg National Battlefield Park, City Point in Hopewell
Wineries: Windy River, Upper Shirley
Clubs: Commonwealth Club, Salisbury Country Club, Willow Oaks Country Club, Ginter Park Women’s Club